




标签 : 成语

掩耳盗铃(yǎn ěr dào líng)
春秋时代(公元前770年到公元前476年),中国被分成许多小国,其中有一个国家叫做晋(jìn),位于现在的山西省。晋国的贵族范(fàn)氏被其他四个贵族打败后,逃亡(táo wáng)到别的国家去了。看到他的家里没有了人,一个小偷就想到他家里偷点东西。小偷看到他家院子里吊(diào)着一口大钟。钟是用上等的青铜铸(zhù)成的,造型和图案都很精美。小偷心里高兴极了,想把这口精美的大钟背回自己家去。但这只钟又大又重,怎么也搬不动。他想来想去,只有一个办法:先把钟砸碎(zá suì),再一块儿一块儿拿回家去。
小偷找来一把大铁锤(tiě chuí),拼命(pīn mìng)朝钟砸去,只听“咣(guāng)”的一声巨响,把他吓了一跳。这下他可发愁(fā chóu)了:“要是别人听见响声,都来夺(duó)钟怎么办呢?”于是,他想了一个办法:把自己的耳朵堵(dǔ)起来,只要自己的耳朵听不见了,别人的耳朵也同样听不见的。他放下胆子,用力去砸钟,巨大的响声传得很远,官差(guān chāi 当时的一种警察)闻声赶来,把他抓走了。
这个成语比喻自作聪明,想欺骗别人,实际上是自己欺骗自己。明明掩盖(yǎn gài)不住的事情偏要想法子去掩盖。和它意思相同的成语还有:自欺欺人
(English and Japanese translations are on our website. http://chengyu.nsek.net )


掩耳盗铃 Cover one’s ears to steal a bell
During the spring through the autumn period (770-476 B.C.), China was divided into many kingdoms, one of which was called Jin, located in what is now Shanxi Province.
Fan Shi, one of the nobles of the Jin kingdom, was defeated by four other aristocrats and fled from the kingdom. His home was now deserted, so a thief went into Fan Shi’s home to steal something.
The thief saw that in the yard of the home was a large bell. The bell was made of the finest bronze and its design and intricately carved pictures were very elegant. The thief was very pleased to see this. He wanted to carry this big, elegant bell to his own home. But this bell was both large and heavy. No matter how hard the thief tried, he couldn’t move it. He thought and thought and only came up with one way to move it. First, he would break the bell into pieces and then take it home piece by piece.
The thief picked up a hammer and tried to use it to break the bell. But when the hammer struck the bell there was a huge ”Dong!!!” The thief was very frightened. Now he was worried: “If others hear the bell, they will all come and want to take it too. What would I do then?” After thinking, he had an idea. He would cover his own ears. If he couldn’t hear the sound of the bell, no else could hear it either.
Now, his courage renewed, he struck at the bell even harder. The huge sound of the bell carried very far, reaching the ears of the police, who came and caught the thief.
This idiom story shows that the thief thought he was tricking everyone else, when he was really only fooling himself. He was trying to cover something that obviously could not be covered. And an idiom that has the same meaning as this is “cheat both oneself and others.”


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If you are an avid fitness walker or have been looking for <B><a href=http://www.mbtplus.com/>MBT shoes</a></B>  different weight loss methods, than I am sure you have heard of MBT shoes. Also known  <B>MBT</B>  as the anti-shoe, it is a range of footwear that helps improve posture, work  <U>mbt shoes review</U>  a lot of different muscle groups, and aids in burning more calories. But the biggest stumbling block <B>mbt shoes review</B>  for most people when deciding to buy these shoes has  <U><B>mbt sandals</U></B>  been its price tag of $255. Until recently, only the  <U><B>MBT shoes</U></B>  affluent and wealthy could afford these sneakers. Now days though, you  <U>mbt walking shoes</U>  can get the same quality styles for more than 40% of what people paid for  <U>mbt shoes cheap</U>  them just a year ago.

Buying MBT shoes on clearance is a great way  <U><B>mbt shoes sale</U></B>  to save a bunch of money. Just because they are sold at  <B>mbt sneakers</B>  a discount does not mean it is an imitation or a damaged style. Most of the  <U>mbt shoes best prices</U>  models available at clearance prices are  <B>MBT</B>  just discontinued types that retailers have an abundance of, and are reasonably priced.

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Shoes specially made for losing weight are available today and <B><a href=http://www.mbtplus.com/>mbt shoes cheap</a></B>  can be quite effective. These shoes have been out for a while and some companies have risen to the top  <B>mbt sandals</B>  demonstrated that they can provide a quality product to consumers. One  <U>MBT</U>  such type of these shoes is the MBT Shoe made by a company called Swiss Masai. In case you  <U><B>mbt sandals</U></B>  did not MBT stands for Masai Barefoot Technology. In this write up we want to take a  <U>MBT</U>  closer look at these special shoes.

The development and idea behind the MBT shoe design is quite  <U><B>footwear etc</U></B>  interesting. What the shoe attempts to do is structure the shape of the shoe so  <U>MBT</U> that it simulates walking on sand. Specifically, the they want to attempt to make it as if you are walking  <U>mbt sneakers</U>  along the natural sand environment of the Masai in Kenya. Sports trainers have known for quite a while now  <U>mbt sneakers</U>  that working out on dry sand is a great way to get in excellent cardiovascular condition. As you  <U>MBT</U>  walk on sand it creates an uneven surface on your feet and it forces you to shift your center of gravity to  <U>MBT</U>  an unnatural position. Your body compensates for this by using several different  <B>mbt shoes review</B>  muscle groups in your feet, calves, thighs, and torso that you would not use wearing typical shoes. This is the ideas  <U>mbt shoes clearance</U> behind the MBT weight loss shoes and it does seem to  <B><a href=http://www.mbtplus.com/>mbt sandals</a></B>  work for some people.

More specifically, MBT makes several positive claims  <U>buy mbt shoes</U>  and benefits from wearing their shoes. They will take muscle groups  <U><B>footwear etc</U></B>  not normally used in walking and make them active. The shoes will give you a better posture, and a more effective  <U><B>mbt discount shoes</U></B>  gait when walking with or without the shoes. It can  <B>MBT shoes</B>  potentially help you with problems you may have with your back, hips, legs, and feet. The  <U><B>mbt sneakers</U></B>  shoes can help you recover from injuries to your  <B>mbt shoes sale</B>  tendons, joints, ligaments, or muscles. The shoes are also designed to alleviate tension and stress  <U>mbt shoes sale</U> on your lower joints.

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The first MBT was manufactured in 1996 and soon  <U><B>discount mbt shoes</U></B>  became popular on continental Europe. Since then many celebrities have  <B>mbt shoes sale</B>  been seen sporting MBTs. The concept basically is that the  <U><B>mbt walking shoes</U></B>  curved sole creates instability as you walk, which  <U><B>mbt shoes review</U></B>  mimics the effect of walking barefoot. To counteract this the foot uses muscle to counter this  <B><a href=http://www.mbtplus.com/>mbt shoes clearance</a></B>  and creates a natural body training effect.

These are pretty bold claims but there is no doubt that MBT shoes are  <U>footwear etc</U>  popular both as recreation and sportswear. A study  <U>mbt shoes  cheap</U>  by Sheffield Hallam University recently concluded that MBT shoes were better for the knees ankles  <U>mbt discount shoes</U>  than normal shoes. The study also concluded that if  <U><B>mbt shoes review</U></B>  you walk correctly you would take shorter strides while walking in MBTs. Shorter  <B>footwear etc</B>  strides would mean more steps and more expending of energy and this  <U><B>buy mbt shoes</U></B>  would increase your calorie burn.
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It is hard to believe that anything <B><a href=http://www.mbtplus.com/>mbt shoes clearance</a></B>  so inherently ugly as the MBT shoe could ever catch on  <U>MBT</U>  with either the younger generation or the fitness fanatics but it has.  <B>mbt sandals</B>  The shoes or I suppose they should be called trainers have thick curved soles and wide straps across the front. Currently  <U><B>MBT shoes</U></B>  the are available in over 20 countries and have sold more than a million pairs a year. Considering that they have a price tag of around $200 it is even  <B>buy mbt shoes</B>  more remarkable.

MBT shoes, which stand for Masai  <B>mbt shoes clearance</B>  Barefoot Technology were invented by Karl Muller a Swiss engineer. He  <B>mbt walking shoes</B>  suffered back and knee problems but on a trip to Korea he noticed  <U><B>mbt discount shoes</U></B>  that after walking barefoot through paddy fields the symptoms were relieved. With further  <U>mbt shoes  cheap</U>  research he discovered that the Masai tribesmen from Kenya did not suffer back problems  <B>mbt shoes clearance</B>  and had perfect posture. Putting these two facts together he decided that  <U>mbt shoes sale</U>  the answer was because they were walking on soft surfaces  <U>mbt shoes sale</U>  which yielded as they trod on them. This  <U>footwear etc</U>  was unlike in Europe and America where we tend to walk on firm surfaces such as sidewalks.

The first MBT was manufactured in 1996 and soon  <U><B>mbt walking shoes</U></B>  became popular on continental Europe. Since then many celebrities have  <B>mbt sandals</B>  been seen sporting MBTs. The concept basically is that the  <U><B>mbt shoes  cheap</U></B>  curved sole creates instability as you walk, which  <U><B>mbt shoes review</U></B>  mimics the effect of walking barefoot. To counteract this the foot uses muscle to counter this  <B><a href=http://www.mbtplus.com/>MBT</a></B>  and creates a natural body training effect.

These are pretty bold claims but there is no doubt that MBT shoes are  <U>MBT</U>  popular both as recreation and sportswear. A study  <U>mbt sneakers</U>  by Sheffield Hallam University recently concluded that MBT shoes were better for the knees ankles  <U>mbt sneakers</U>  than normal shoes. The study also concluded that if  <U><B>mbt walking shoes</U></B>  you walk correctly you would take shorter strides while walking in MBTs. Shorter  <B>mbt sandals</B>  strides would mean more steps and more expending of energy and this  <U><B>mbt discount shoes</U></B>  would increase your calorie burn.
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Leslie Nash
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<a href= http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/europe/03/07/portugal.bridge/ >Divers to sift bridge collapse river</a>


