




标签 : 成语

指鹿为马(zhǐ lù wéi mǎ)
中国的第一个皇帝秦(qín)始皇死后,他的儿子胡亥(hú hài)继承(jìchéng)了王位,人称秦二世。赵高(zhào gāo)任丞相(chéng xiàng),一切大权实际上都由赵高掌握。渐渐地他对丞相的位子越来越不满足,自己想当皇帝。可是他不清楚朝中有多少人会支持他,又有多少人会反对他。于是,他想了一个办法,准备试一试。
一天,他找来一只鹿,献给皇帝。在朝廷上,他当着大臣们的面,指着那只鹿故意说,“陛下(bì xià),这是我献给您的千里马,他一天能走一千里,一夜能走八百里”。
大臣们开始的时候对赵高的话很不理解,私下里嘀咕(dí gu):这个赵高搞什么名堂?是鹿是马这不是明摆着吗!当看到赵高脸上露出的阴险(yīn xiǎn)笑容,两只眼睛骨碌碌(gǔ lù lù)地轮流盯着每个人的时候,大臣们忽然明白了他的用意。
一些胆小又有正义感的人都低下头不说话,他们既不想说假话又不敢说真话。有一些正直(zhèng zhí)而又勇敢的大臣坚持说这是鹿而不是马。也有一些迎合(yíng hé)赵高的人说, “这就是一匹马!”
后来,赵高就通过各种手段将那些不顺从(shùn cóng)自己的正直的大臣一个一个都害死了。
这个成语用来比喻故意颠倒黑白,混淆(hùn xiáo)是非。

愈是当大官的人,愈是应该明辨(míng biàn)是非;如果故意「指鹿为马」混淆视听,终会让人讨厌。
做事要实事求是(shí shì qíu shì),不要指鹿为马。


指鹿为马 Calling a Deer a Horse
After the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang, died, his son Hu Hai seized the throne. People call Hu Hai Qin the Second. Zhao Gao served as prime minister to Hu Hai. All the power of the realm was actually in Zhao Gao’s hands. But eventually, Zhao Gao became dissatisfied with his position and coveted the emperor’s throne for himself. But he was not certain how many people in the court would support him and how many would oppose him. He soon came up with a plan and decided to try it.
One day, he found a deer and brought it to the emperor. In the court, in front of all the ministers, he dramatically gestured toward the deer: “Your majesty, this is an excellent horse I am giving you. It can run 500 kilometers in one day and 400 kilometers in one night.”
When the emperor heard this, he burst into laughter: “Prime Minister, this is obviously a deer! Why would you tell me this is a horse?”
Zhao Gao responded, “This really is an excellent horse. If your majesty doesn’t believe me, ask any of the other ministers here.”
At first, all the emperor’s ministers were confused as to what Zhao Gao was asking. They began to whisper amongst themselves: “What can he be up to? It is obvious whether the animal is a deer or a horse!”
Then they looked at Zhao Gao and noticed his sinister smirk. His eyes darted furtively around the room, stopping to focus on each one of the ministers. Finally, the other ministers understood what Zhao Gao was trying to do.
A few timid but upright ministers hung their heads and said nothing. They didn’t want to lie, yet they didn’t dare to speak the truth. A few brave and upright ministers stated courageously that the animal was a deer rather than a horse. Also, some who wanted to gain favor with Zhao Gao said, “This is certainly an excellent horse!”
Later, Zhao Gao had all those courageous ministers who had spoken against him put to death. This idiom means saying black is white, and confusing right from wrong.

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